plate spinning, plate spinner

plate spinning, plate spinner
Spinning plates...ALL for your entertainment!

Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Andy Martello: THE Plate-Spinner!

Time for a little plate-spinning fun!
As you know I am "The Last GREAT Plate-Spinner." I enjoy spinning plates for shows as well as in a corporate training seminars.
I've spun plates on national television commercials.
I've spun plates for major corporations.
I've spun plates as the opening act for the wonderful Gladys Knight.

I recently did a search on You Tube for plate-spinners and it turns out that the 2nd most popular plate-spinning video happens to belong to yours truly! If enough people see this and share the link, perhaps we can change all that and make me #1. ;)

Here I am spinning plates on the WGN Morning News
with comedian Anthony Anderson.

Watching that you can see that you don't have to be a professional plate-spinner to have fun at it. Keeping that in mind, here's my world famous PLATE SPINNING GAME from my soon-to-be-updated website.

Click to Play
This game was a viral hit long before there was such a thing. Within weeks of hitting the internet back in 2000, I was getting emails from people around the globe telling me how much fun they were having playing this silly game and how they were emailing the link to friends. This game made the office email circuit years before a You Tube or ANY talking baby videos!

Lastly, here's the aforementioned commercial I was in. This ad ran on nationally CNN, FOX News, & MSNBC and locally in specific Congressional Districts across the country. It landed me in the pages of the New Yoprk Times as well as several newspapers and magazines. It still draws a lot of attention, if not gives a great example as to just why anyone in the TV game gives ole Andy a call when they need top-quality plate-spinning talent!

Feel free to give me a call and book this plate-spinner for your next event. I'd be happy to do it for ya.

For more information on booking Andy Martello, Plate Spinner, for your next event, please call 702-465-5604 or visit